So, as I was on the phone with the beautiful and talented Marisa Scott, I begain looking through the famous likes of facebook, and as I was looking I found a pretty interesting like that 918 people liked already.
Well first off let me say when i say 918 people i thought 'oh I may like it too.' But then I read it. "12 signs you are falling in love."
Hmmm. This may be intersting. So I read along.
7. You"ll read their txts over and over again
6. You"ll walk really really slow while youre with them
5. They becomes all you think about
4. You"ll get high just by their smell
3. You"ll realize that you"re always smiling, when you think about them
2. You"ll do anything for them
1. While reading this, there was one person on your mind the whole time
As I told Marisa about this, she went to go like it(cause she's weird like that) and she told me that she will now never know if she is falling in love cause it says there are 12 signs and she only got 7. Poor Marisa Taylor Scott. I hope she can figure out when she falls in love.
Ummmm, sir or m'amm, YOU realize that one its only 7 signs and the face that the person who wrote it said "they BECOMES the all you think about" Come on guys. I mean I'm no grammar nazi but really? The correct term is BECOME, sweetheart. You honestly need to check your words before you make a post. And please make sure you have the CORRECT number, yes?
Marisa Taylor Fun Fact Of The Day.
She is now going to take 400 pictures of her self for her "Alice Ripley Experience." God help me. She also just asked me how to spell experience. Oh goodness.
P.s. she says she thought of the Alice Ripley Experiece before Sam on GLEE thought of justin bieber. yupp. (:
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