Sunday, April 3, 2011

Today "Hairspray",the musical at El Camino High School, closed. For me it was the closing of my very last high school production, needless to say I cried.........a lot. This cast is and will always be my second family. We went through so much together to put this show on and it really payed off.
The things we did together were amazing and we just got so much closer to people we never thought we would get close to.

We acomplished so much in a few months it's just really sad to see it all end. The underclassmen were upset to lose the seniors and the seniors were upset to leave the underclassmen..

That's all I can write without crying now.

Hairspray was an amazing show and I love EVERYONE who was apart of it.

the cast minus 5 people but we still love them all !!!!! (: they are my familyy

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