Sunday, April 24, 2011

So yesterday I had the "Hairspray" cast party thing at my house, and let me tell you a lot of us had fun. There were only about 10 people there but it's alll good. Ahaha. One of the cast mates bands played for us and I have to say they are pretty freakin awesome (: We took pictures, ate, sat on the grass and watched the band, just had a fun time.

I fell in love though. Not gonna say who but the people who know it DOES NOT LEAVE THE CIRCLE :P ahaha

So around like 9ish a bunch of us who were left decided to get in Cody's car and listen to some music. That was fun. We ended up playing Never have I ever(10 fingers) later on too. I learned somethings about some people that I would have never guessed ahaha.

We had this small little bonding circle around the bon fire later it was just Daniel, Chyrelle, Jennette, Lizzy, Marisa, Mckenzie and I and it was nice.

I love those kids so much I'm really gonna miss them when I leave.

Well I have to say it was a very eventful night and I had a lot of fun.

Thank you everyone who made that night awesomee (:
gotta go help Marisa out of St. Louis to New York now (:

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