Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Ahhhh (:

Prom is coming up and I found THE PERFECT prom dress.
When we(mother and I) started shopping I explained my perfect prom dress, and after weeks of looking(two weeks but still) my aunt found it.

IT'S PERFECT !! It's everything I explained I wanted.

BUT, mother wants to shop around until we're sure that is the dress I want.

So here I am, depressed that my perfect prom dress is being taken from me until Monday....*sigh*

Back to the subject at hand PROM !

I know most girls want to be asked in a cute way but i asked my best friend MARISA TAYLOR SCOTT !! (:


I wanted to embarrass her but I didn't.
We're going on a party bus with like 20 other people and I must say I am excited (:

Well I think that talks all about prom until the actual day on May 21.

Going back to storyboarding tobys videos (:

Peace out girl scouts.

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