Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Why are boys so confusing?

They need to come with instructions.

Please work on this (:
Ahhhh (:

Prom is coming up and I found THE PERFECT prom dress.
When we(mother and I) started shopping I explained my perfect prom dress, and after weeks of looking(two weeks but still) my aunt found it.

IT'S PERFECT !! It's everything I explained I wanted.

BUT, mother wants to shop around until we're sure that is the dress I want.

So here I am, depressed that my perfect prom dress is being taken from me until Monday....*sigh*

Back to the subject at hand PROM !

I know most girls want to be asked in a cute way but i asked my best friend MARISA TAYLOR SCOTT !! (:


I wanted to embarrass her but I didn't.
We're going on a party bus with like 20 other people and I must say I am excited (:

Well I think that talks all about prom until the actual day on May 21.

Going back to storyboarding tobys videos (:

Peace out girl scouts.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

FINAfuckinLLY !!!!!!!!

She has admitted that she likes him !! (:

BUT, my mission is not yet complete.

We are in Cleveland, Ohio.(Alice Ripley's hometown....she's really excited right now ahahha)

We need to get to Pennsylvania(when we find out he likes her)

Then we will reach our destination New York(when he asks her out) soon.................hopefully. We're working on that right now.

Well I'm done for now tata !! (:


Sunday, April 24, 2011

So yesterday I had the "Hairspray" cast party thing at my house, and let me tell you a lot of us had fun. There were only about 10 people there but it's alll good. Ahaha. One of the cast mates bands played for us and I have to say they are pretty freakin awesome (: We took pictures, ate, sat on the grass and watched the band, just had a fun time.

I fell in love though. Not gonna say who but the people who know it DOES NOT LEAVE THE CIRCLE :P ahaha

So around like 9ish a bunch of us who were left decided to get in Cody's car and listen to some music. That was fun. We ended up playing Never have I ever(10 fingers) later on too. I learned somethings about some people that I would have never guessed ahaha.

We had this small little bonding circle around the bon fire later it was just Daniel, Chyrelle, Jennette, Lizzy, Marisa, Mckenzie and I and it was nice.

I love those kids so much I'm really gonna miss them when I leave.

Well I have to say it was a very eventful night and I had a lot of fun.

Thank you everyone who made that night awesomee (:
gotta go help Marisa out of St. Louis to New York now (:

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Come on bro I've got tiger blood.

Friday, April 8, 2011

No matter what anyone thinks of you always remeber you are perfect to me. (:
I love you all.
If you EVER need me message me and I'll be there (:

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Marisa Taylor Scott hairstyles (:

not necessarily this short but when I saw it I thought of her.


She said bird and with this she can wing out the ends and the sides and it would look really really cute with
her facial structure. Her hair is thicker than this so there will still be a lot left and it may work really well.       

THIRD and my favorite:

Great for her hair all together. just a little razored and flipped and its cutee (: a bit shorter but its all good (:

and that is what I think ((:

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Today "Hairspray",the musical at El Camino High School, closed. For me it was the closing of my very last high school production, needless to say I cried.........a lot. This cast is and will always be my second family. We went through so much together to put this show on and it really payed off.
The things we did together were amazing and we just got so much closer to people we never thought we would get close to.

We acomplished so much in a few months it's just really sad to see it all end. The underclassmen were upset to lose the seniors and the seniors were upset to leave the underclassmen..

That's all I can write without crying now.

Hairspray was an amazing show and I love EVERYONE who was apart of it.

the cast minus 5 people but we still love them all !!!!! (: they are my familyy