Sunday, January 2, 2011

winter break

My winter break could have been a lot much better. I wanted my last high school winter break to be amazing and full of fun but it wasn't. But I'm determined to make this year better.
Break was cool, I slept in all the time and stayed up late. I went out on Christmas eve and hung with the family on Christmas day. I went ice skating with some of the cast of AVPS and went to a new years party and DRANK IT UP !! :] fun fun new years. ahaha.
My new years resolution ? Not to care about anyone else's feelings other than my own. Bitchy move I know but honestly its my senior year and i don't care about anyone else but myself. I'm such a bitch. I'm going to tell you what i think of you right then and there(not like i already don't though).
I also didn't do my homework this break. Yeah I know I'm stupid but screw it, I wasn't going to spend my break doing school work. Who the FUCK gives homework over break?
Bitch ass teachers, that's who.
So I am now going to end this with a quote from a person that I know.
"Take plan B just in case. Better be safe than pregnant"

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