Tuesday, January 18, 2011

When I'm done I'm DONE

I'm way over this. nothing is getting done and no one ever does what they are supposed to. I am this close to quiting and I NEVER quit. That's how bad its getting. If no one is going to listen to me or do what i ask them to I will freak the freak out. Like seriously. I'm sorry for all of you who are trying your god damned hardest to make this work, but if we don't get the COMMITMENT we need this shit is never going to work. I'm honestly ready to yell at everyone who dares to ever TALK about anything that isn't their line during practices. It's getting bad. So if you don't want this to end then please, PLEASE keep your friends and the cast on track. i want AVPS to work, it's the last one act I'll have with you people before I leave. So think about it yea ?

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