Wednesday, December 29, 2010

ice skating adventures

It was 11 years ago that one Dominique Biela-Bell was traumatized at an ice skating rink.
Today(yesterday but whatever) she conquered her fear and went ice skating, and let me tell you IT WAS FUN ! I was with some of the AVPS babies and we had a blast. I found I was pretty good at ice skating after I got off the wall haha.  We kept cheering on the Zamboni guy and kept waiting in anticipation to get back on the ice. Funny thing was, the cast of AVPS met a guy who looked like Harry Potter and him and his friends kept coming up to us and talking ot us ahahaa. We skated for six hours. I didnt want to leave but my ankle was hurting and I was tired. I have bruises and I didnt even fall. hahaha its not fair :P. Man, today is unforgettable. I love everyone who went and got my mind off of things that didnt go so well this break. You know who you are and what the problem is.

Night guys.

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