Saturday, December 11, 2010

the perfect guy.

Every girl wants to have the perfect husband or the perfect boyfriend. Well I'm sorry to disappoint you but HE DOESN'T EXIST ! Sorry ladies, THE perfect guy is a figment of your imagination. Our womanly ancestors filled our minds with stories of him and told us he was our very own prince charming only for us to be disappointed when we didn't find him and realized that all guys are ASSHOLES! Okay maybe not all of them but most of them. They seem to think that if they can do something well that they are the best thing since sliced bread, and sorry to break the news to you "men" but you aren't. Guys don't care about chivalry or making sure you're feeling okay.....FINE some do. But if you spend your life looking for THE perfect you'll just be wasting your time. Don't go looking for THE perfect guy. Go look for YOUR perfect guy. Cause you never know if he'll be right in front of you. And if you don't realize it you may be too late.

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