Tuesday, November 9, 2010

from FRIEND to FOE

FRIEND: a friend doesn't go after a person their friend likes. they don't try to change who their friends are, the accept them for who they are. friends are people who help you. friends don't like about things that will hurt other people's feelings. friends don't tell you to go for the person you like then flirt with them. Friends stab you in the front so you see who it is.

FOE: foes don't care about your feelings. foes lie about liking a person a person their friend likes. foes stab you in the back so you don't know it was them. foes are mostly the reason for your heartbreak. foes go to your face and act like your best friend. foes are the people you drop from your life. foes start out as your friends at first, then hurt you later. FOES ARE THE REASON YOU CHOOSE YOUR FRIENDS CAREFULLY.

if you are a foe or a fake friend be ready to be dropped. GOODBYE !

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