Monday, November 15, 2010


I'm done. I'm over you guys hurting her so I'm just not gonna talk to you guys together. I will separately but not together. So don't expect me to be anywhere near you two or talk to you guys cause it's NOT happening. It's not my fault so don't get mad at me because I think everyone can agree YOU'RE the one who is being bad friend. How do you feel now that you lost most of your friends? Was he worth it? Have you even noticed that no one is talking to you as much anymore? I know you don't notice. You really aren't a good friend are you? Everyone is right, you really are a BITCH! Can i tell you the truth? I don't care how you feel. If you feel bad or if you're feelings are hurt go run and tell mommy and daddy like always. NOT MY PROBLEM. I'm done with you.

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