Tuesday, October 12, 2010

fun with friends on 10/10/10

So on 10/10/10 i hung out with some of my friends(Devin, Sarah, Mariko, Austin and Kaylie[but she was only there for the show]) and saw an amazing show called "Little Shop of Horrors". After that we were going to go to the mall, but we didn't have a ride. So we did the smart thing that 5 teenagers do.....we decided to walk on the train tracks(Yes I know cause that's the smartest thing to do.)

After walking the tracks we attempted to hitch hike.
Now you may be asking "Who in their right mind would hitch hike?"
My answer? 5 teens who really wanted to go to the mall.
So after our failed attempts to hitch hike(and a guy asking Devin how much he was), Mariko suggested we take the sprinter and go hang at her house.
It sounded like a good idea so we walked the whole 2 minuets to the sprinter.There we saw that the next sprinter came at 7 and it was 6:15. So we sat there and just talked and took pictures.

we also made videos
after the videos the sprinter finally came.
Once we got on the sprinter we decided to make a music video...yea hahahaa
It was a very fun ride until Sarah put her feet on the chair and a rent a cop came back to tell her to put her feet on the ground then told us to follow the rules.
One of the rules?
No loud music.
After that little thing we were getting closer to our stop and Austin tell us that if we lay on the ground while the sprinter starts to stop we will slide.
Well, being the idiot that he is, Devin decided to test this.
Lets just say the rent a cop came back and asked him what he was doing, why he was doing it and if a seven year old saw him doing it they would try it too. He then asked how old he was.
As we left he told us not to do anything we could be held accountable for.
After that fiasco, Mariko's mom picked us up and drove us to her house.
We ate some pizza and hung in her room until we were talking about her brother's bucket list. After that we went to her brother's room and hung out in there for a while.
Devin and I then decided to make a bucket list of our own. :]
We went home a while later it was a very fun day, needless to say :]
I have to say i really love my friends so much

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