Webster's definition.
Prom: A night of fun and craziness to celebrate the fact that this is your last high school dance and the fact that you get to get the hell out here. Also known for parties and drunkenness.
Teenager's definition.
Well, now that you have gotten both versions of the definition of prom, I can start to tell you what happened Saturday night.
Saturday May 21, 2011 two major things were supposed to happen: The end of the world(that didn't happen if you didn't notice by the fact that you are sitting here reading my blog) and El Camino High School's Prom.
Prom to me is a dance that EVER senior should go to because it's the last thing you really get to do before you have to grow up and enter the real world where mommy and daddy aren't providing for you the entire way. It shows that all your hard work for four years in high school payed off and you get one final last hoorah with your class. It's the last dance you get to have with friends and even your boy/girlfriend, your last high school slow dance, your last high school partyyy, your last high school formal. You just need to live it up and take life by the balls and just LIVE.
I remember fighting with my parents saying I didn't want to go to prom, but I'm so glad I did. It was a wonderful experience and I would have never forgiven myself if I didn't go. It was so fun and I just can't see why I didn't want to go.
I had so much fun and it wasn't just with partying, or the crazyness...it was the fact that I hung out with my friends at my last dance and I just had fun and just lived my life, laughed at stupid stuff and loved every moment.
This is the thing I'm going to miss when I graduate in 11 days, being carefree and just doing stupid shit. I love all my friends and I'm always here when any of you need me.
I love you.
You only have one prom so live it upp and go. You wont regret itt.

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